Time synchronisation and critical infrastructure

Listen to Richard Hoptroff, Founder and CTO at Hoproff and Laura Winter Editor and Host, at The DownLink sharing thoughts on positioning, navigation, timing, and the importance of time synchronisation for critical infrastructure such as telecommunications, utilities, transportation, emergency services, defence, finance and food.

PNT comes from the space-based Global Positioning System, or GPS. Anything from precision farming to guided missiles depend on it. Thing is, if something goes wrong, there’s no publically funded ‘Plan B’.

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Ready to learn more?

When thousands of transactions and data get processed every second, a high-level of accuracy and reliability is required for critical infrastructure services. Accurate timing solution like Hoptroff Traceable Time as a Service is ready to be rolled out without the purchase and installation of additional timing infrastructure.

(TTaaS®) is a range of network and software-based timing solutions that are simple, resilient, and cost-effective.

Whether you need the security of verifiable time for compliance, or precision timing in your IT network and business-critical documents, our obsession with accuracy will transform your business.


Meet Ian Baldeosingh, our new Vice President of Technology


The importance of accurate time synchronisation