Our approach towards a sustainable future


Hoptroff is committed to developing a formal Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policy in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This policy will guide us in the coming years to ensure that while we grow, the company operates responsibly and maximises opportunities to have positive impact in the areas of Environment, Society and Governance.

Initial steps towards these aspirations include beginning to track critical metrics:

  • Key environmental measures include investigating both energy usage and mix across premises from which we deliver our services.

  • Considering the social impact of our operations will involve collecting data on our internal labour practices (including demographic information on gender and race), and engaging with employees as a central stakeholder in our business, to ensure diversity and fairness are baked into our path forward.

Looking more deeply at company governance, including the board and senior management, will give us greater insight into decision making and management processes, allowing us to chart our path toward a formal ESG policy.

Diversity of background and ideas among our employees at all levels is an invaluable tool that is not only ethically correct but will make Hoptroff more innovative and successful. We are deeply committed to ensuring that as the company continues to grow and evolve, we stay true to this ethos that is core to our company culture.

We believe that much of our existing practices demonstrate our commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at many levels of our business. We are proud of ongoing efforts with social mobility charities and women in STEM professional groups, harnessing the passion of many employees for these programmes. We continue to foster an inclusive atmosphere for all our employees, particularly those from underrepresented groups, to grow and thrive at work.

Of course, these efforts should be assessed, closely monitored, and opportunities for improvement acted upon as well as conducting stakeholder engagement with employees who are central to our future policy developments. We plan to document the great work we are already doing to further DE&I principles, as well as making an honest assessment of where we can build upon this foundation as our policies continue to develop.

“At Hoptroff, we are committed to ensuring that while the company grows and changes, ESG remains front of mind. This consideration of our impact extends to our customers, partners, and wider supply chain. We are committed to preserving, promoting, and celebrating the culture of diversity that has already contributed so much to our initial success.” Tim Richards, CEO, Hoptroff